Northland - Whangarei
Claire or Pat
We could extend our stay away for an extra day or 2 either side of the above dates if you would prefer to have 3 or 4 nights here.
Looking for housesitter/s for our house and 1 friendly 2 1/2 year old Staphy mix breed dog (Ahi) for the above dates. The house is fairly new, easy to live in, has FABULOUS views of Bream Bay ocean and islands. Easy access by car to beach and Waipu village. [10 mins drive] We would like sitter/s who will walk the dog daily (approximately an hour ) . At this time of the year the beach is very crowded and probably best to walk Ahi on the forest tracks on a lead.
Please note we aren't on the main highway as map shows. We are up a quiet country road.
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